Child Dental Benefits Schedule



This Child Dental Benefit Schedule (CDBS) replaces the Medicare Teen Dental Plan as from 1 January 2014. It entitles your eligible child up to $1000 worth of dental treatment over 2 years.

Are your children eligible?

Your child’s eligibility for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule is assessed by the Department of Human Services. A child is eligible if they are aged between 2-17 years, and receive a relevant Australian government payment, such as Family Tax Benefit Part A or B, or have a disability.

In most cases the Department of Human Resources will send out a letter informing you of your child’s eligibility, but if you are unsure if your child meets the criteria you can contact.

Medicare – Phone 132 011
Centrelink (for FTB-A) – Phone 136 150

Treatment covered

This scheme includes:

  • Examinations
  • X-rays
  • Cleaning
  • Fissure sealing
  • Fillings
  • Root canal treatment
  • Extractions, and even
  • Partial dentures
  • How does it work?

Your child is entitled to up to $1,000 of dental treatment over two consecutive calendar years. Your child may well use up this benefit within the first year, however if there is unused benefits funds, your child may be able to use the balance the following year if still eligible.

Any balance remaining after the relevant two year period will be lost. As long as the Australian Government continues with this scheme, a new benefit cap will become available and another $1000 will be granted to children who are eligible for the scheme.

A patient’s benefit cap can be used for eligible services provided to that patient ONLY: family members cannot share their entitlements.

Once a patient reaches their benefit cap of $1,000, no further benefits are payable. If further dental treatment is required, there may be out-of-pocket expenses.

So now what?

Bring in your letter of confirmation. If you do not have a letter we can contact the Department of Human Services to confirm your child’s eligibility.

A thorough examination will be done.

  • A treatment plan with the costs of treatment will be provided.
  • Obtain consent (sign a form) to make sure you understand the treatment and the value of your treatment.
  • Treatment will be provided and Bulk Billed. Unless the limit has been reached you will be notified if further out of pocket expenses are required.

If you would like to find out more, please feel free to contact us.